
The BlueWorx tables maintain the last update timestamp for a BlueWorx relevant change in the master record. This enables delta synchronisation of records to the application. 

Key Tables

Below is a list of the key tables, those highlighted in orange are updated in real time by actions on events. The other tables are updated by routine background jobs.

  • /SOLTIUS/PM_PROB – Profile to Technical Object
  • /SOTLIUS/PM_PRKL – Profile to Class/
  • SOLTIUS/PM_PRCA – Profile to Characteristic
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_EQUI – Equipment
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_FL – Functional Locations
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_KLAH – Classes
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_CABN - Characteristics
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_CAWN – Characteristic Text
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_KSML – Class to Characteristic
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_KSSK – Technical Object to Class
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_AUSP – Technical Object Characteristic Value
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_MPNT – Measurement Points Last Reading
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_T352 – Catalog Profiles
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_QPCD – Catalog Codes
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_QPGR – Catalog Groups
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_MAT – Material Master
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_MATB – Material Batches
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_MATS – Material Serial Numbers
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_MATD – Material Storage Location Inventory
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_PER – Permit master
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_PETO – Permits links to objects
  • /SOLTIUS/PM_EVTL - BlueWorx Event locks

For a list of all BlueWorx tables and their sizes see the Settings Tab - Sizing

Batch Jobs

Set up the following batch jobs in SAP using transaction SM36:




Create Job to update the Catalogue Codes (Notification Codes)

  • There is no automatic update so this job should be run after configuration update to the Catalogue Codes and then in each system after code changes have been transported.
  • Can be run periodically in background to ensure Catalogue Code data is ‘fresh’



Create Job to remove ‘old’ deletion flagged records from the Application Sync Tables

  • This job keeps the table’s sizes to a minimum by removing records that have been flagged for deletion over X days ago. The default is 90 days.
  • The assumption is that all devices have been synchronised within the period specified.
  • Should be scheduled to run periodically, e.g. monthly.



Create Job to Add Master Data to the Application Sync Tables.

  • Checks to see whether all objects as specified in the BlueWorx profiles are in the sync tables. Adds any that are found to be missing.
  • Missing entries are usually due to changes in profiles as changes to the objects themselves are picked up by the object change events.
  • Can only be run in background.
  • This job can be schedule to run periodically (i.e. daily) but for customers with a large number of profiles, large PM datasets, or constraints SAP resources we recommend:
    1. Generating on change from within the BlueWorx Admin Profile Config area now delivered (in SP7), or;
    2. Schedule a specific profile update after making changes to run after hours, to both limit disruption for BlueWorx users and minimise impact on SAP system resources
  • Does not remove items that are no longer in the BlueWorx profiles.



Create Job to Validate Master Data in the Application Sync Tables.

  • Checks the validity of data in the Master Data tables, by regenerating entries and comparing against those already in the table.
  • Can only be run in background.
  • Schedule once a month.
  • Flags data which is not in profiles for deletion.  This can be turned off in your variant (Parameter: Skip Master Data Validity Chk) to improve performance if you have split this batch job by profile.  If the parameter is set, consider running Job to Validate Master Data periodically.



Create Job to Process Inspection Results

  • This job processes inspection results. Depending on the questions it can: Update Equipment and FL master data; Update Equipment and FL Classification data; Create Measurement Documents for Equipment and FL
  • Should be scheduled to run periodically, e.g. nightly or twice daily. The frequency may be more often if operational requirements dictate



Create Job to Update Material Balances

  • This job processes refreshes the balances for all Materials – configured by Plant/ SLOC and Material Type
  • This program should be run at least daily to catch up on material movements not made through BlueWorx



Create Job to Process Material Issues

  • This job processes material issues since last run
  • Suggest setting up to run multiple times per day and potentially with only one of the jobs set to reprocess errors


Run with parameter p_errors = ‘X’ to automatically retry processing issues (for example locked Material or Orders)


Create Job to Check Sync Times

  • This job checks for application syncs that started but have not completed, marking them with error status.
  • Should be run hourly



Create BlueWorx Queue Processing Job

You can via Admin settings ( > Sync Settings) optionally process master data change events in their entirety using a separately scheduled job. 

When on this removes the load from the SAP Event Queue which will just register an event for BlueWorx processing and not fully execute the evaluation and action.

After enabling the BlueWorx Admin setting schedule a job using the program below. You can use different schedules and variants to process some events at different times and according to your needs.

To get a list of the Events look at the Events FOLDER in the Class /SOLTIUS/PM_CHGOBJ.



Create job to Process Master Data Validity

  • Checks master data is in valid profiles.  If not, the master data record is flagged for deletion.
  • All profiles are processed as for a master data record to be valid it must be valid in at least one profile.
  • Optional parameter to skip profile generation.  This improves run time and is appropriate where you have other jobs which frequently update the profile data (likely).
  • Run at most monthly.



Create job to process Permit Updates (Support Pack 07+)

  • This job updates SAP Permit information for Functional Locations, Equipment, and Work Orders.
  • The frequency of the job depends on how often permit master data is updated.     Recommendation is to run nightly unless permit master data is very static.



Create job to generate Order Inspections (Support Pack 07+)

  • Only required when admin setting for background generation of order inspection is active.
  • Should be run daily
  • If this job cannot be run daily then use the parameter offset days so that all the inspections required before the next run are generated.  For example, if running the job weekly use a 7 day offset.
  • Note that the admin parameter for days forward and back is used to time bound the inspections generated.  Each user profile is checked and the greater of the inspection admin parameter or the profile work order days forward and back is used as the generation horizon.



Create Refresh Feature Location and Rendering Job  (Support Pack 07 Update 06+)

As of Support Pack 7 Patch 06 a job can be configured to update the location and rendering of features based on the characteristic values of the equipment and functional locations they represent.

Only affects features belonging to layers with the switch ‘value based rendering’ or ‘update geometry from characteristic’ turned on

  • Can only be run in background.
  • Schedule once a month.
  • Flags features that do not have valid location data  
  • Note that if a BlueWorx licensed user is running this job they are required to have all feature permissions switched on in their user record in BlueWorx Administration. For a systems user running the job (for example WF-BATCH), they need to have the Auth Object ZBWXGEOUPD assigned to them.



Create Job to update permit master data

  • There is no automatic update so this job should be run after configuration to update the permit master data in each system after code changes have been transported.
  • Can be run periodically in background to ensure Permit data is ‘fresh’



Create Geo Inheritance Refresh Job

  • This job will generate and update the inheritance for features based on their install location. Flags any duplicate or no longer relevant inherited features as deleted. Change pointers on technical objects should handle most day to day updates.
  • Only required when admin setting for inherit geo is active
  • Should be scheduled to run once a month
16Clear Transaction Logs
BlueWorx logs the temporary Notification, Order, and Operation IDs created in BlueWorx with the SAP IDs once the objects have been created in SAP. The link is used when updating downstream items such as Notification Items, or ensuring a Document is linked to the correct object. In addition a log of each object saved is kept, primarily to ensure that no item is created twice if Sync in interrupted before BlueWorx gets confirmation of success. With Support Pack 10 the transaction log can be searched and contains the payload, for example a SAVE_ORDER transaction payload contains the fields in the Order header.
  • This job deletes transaction logs older than a specified number of days (default: 365 days)
  • It is optional
  • Transaction history is not retained in any other place, and running this job will permanently delete the BlueWorx transaction information
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job
17Clear Order and Notification Change Logs
BlueWorx logs the timestamp of when a Notification or Order has last been changed in SAP. This data is collected in the table /SOLTIUS/PM_TDCL. This table is read from during a delta sync to check whether any of the Orders and Notifications on the user's device that have been changed since the user last synced. The list of Orders and Notifications builds up in a log and needs to be periodically cleared.
  • This job deletes entries older than a specified number of days (default: 30 days).
  • Recommended to run once a month.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job.
18Clear Temporary Sync Data
BlueWorx stores temporary data during a sync to prevent recalculation of vital sync records in each sync step. These records are cleared when the sync completes. If a sync fails to complete then the records can be left in place causing the temporary data tables to grow.
  • This job deletes sync temporary data older than a specified number of hours, greater than or equal to 24 hours (default: 24 hours)
  • Recommended to be run daily
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job
19Refresh Inspection Question Data
Question data such as the number of characters for a characteristic may change over time but is not automatically updated in the Inspection Question Master Data. This job read then re-saves Inspection Questions, updating such fields.
  • This job reads then re-saves Inspection Question header master data.
  • The batch use will require Inspection Change and Authorisation Group authorisation if enabled.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job.
  • Run monthly, reviewing the sp.
  • Errors updating a Question are written to the job spool.
20Refresh SAP Standard Text Data
Changes to SAP Standard Text are not automatically updated in BlueWorx. This job updates the SAP Standard Text in BlueWorx.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job.
  • Run as often as meets your requirements. If SAP Standard Text is modified regularly then the batch job should be run either daily or weekly. 
  • To display the SAP Standard Text data in BlueWorx, you will need to configure your Standard Text settings in BlueWorx Administration first. The SAP Standard Text switch must be switched on. Refer to Standard Text documentation here.
21Refresh Time Zone Data
The BlueWorx app uses SAP time zone data but requires it to be converted into another format. This job creates time zone data in the required format.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job.
  • Should be run after an SAP time zone data change. 
  • Schedule to run at least yearly. The default is to create time zone data for 20 years in the past and 20 years in the futures.
22Clear Temporary Master Data Join Records
Support Pack 12 introduced collective generation and update of BlueWorx Master Data. There are three processing types, the default is to favour database selects using JOINS. To make that work efficiently key data for the records being processed are temporarily written to the database. In case of error or incomplete processing the temporary data can be left in the database. This job clears temporary data older than a specified number of days.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job.
  • It should be run regularly, daily or weekly to preserve the performance of Master Data generation and update.
  • The "Days Old" parameter should be set based on your longest running Master Data refresh job. For example if your longest running job is 4 hours then set to the minimum of 1 day.


23Clear BlueWorx Event Locks
Support pack 13.5.2 and onwards introduces a BlueWorx Event lock. This Event Lock is used to reduce change events from firing repeatedly for a single SAP Object (e.g. Order).
If in the event that a lock remains, this may cause issues due to change events not being able to fire.
  • It can be run directly or as a scheduled batch job,
  • It should be run regularly, daily or weekly to ensure timely running of events (in the rare case that an event remains locked),
  • The parameters available allow the admin to remove all locks older a set amount of time.
24Clear Deletion Flagged Inspection Master Data (optional)
Release 14.2.0 introduces a new program which will remove inspection master data (from the database) records that have been deletion flagged for longer than a specified number of days. In prior releases these records were removed as part of the program to "...remove ‘old’ deletion flagged records from the Application Sync Tables" as they are also part of the data synchronised to the application. It was recognised that the Inspection Master Data may be subject to different retention policy as once deleted, the records cannot be restored. This new optional program can be set up according to your organisation's policy.
25Clear Deletion Flagged Geospatial Features (optional)
Release 14.2.0 introduces a new program which will remove geospatial feature (from the database) records that have been deletion flagged for longer than a specified number of days. In prior releases these records were removed as part of the program to "...remove ‘old’ deletion flagged records from the Application Sync Tables" as they are also part of the data synchronised to the application. It was recognised that the geospatial features may be subject to different retention policy as once deleted they cannot be restored. This new optional program can be set up according to your organisation's policy.
26Write table update queue to sync table log (optional)
Releases 13.5.6/14.4.0 introduced a change to the way the sync table log is updated. Prior to this release the table was updated with each write to a BlueWorx database table. This meant there were a large number of writes and could result in database locks. This has been changed so that the need for an update is recorded once per table and then during sync the sync table log is updated from that queue to ensure changes are picked up in the sync. The update of the sync table log (table /SOLTIUS/PM_SYTL) form the queue can also be done by scheduling a background program. This is optional. The advantage is that when this done in a sync, the following sync will also analysis the updated tables for changes. Running the background job minimises this, however the repeat analysis in the sync is fast and will likely not be noticed.
  • Schedule to run every 15 minutes (optional).
27Manage Logs
Release 14.7.0 introduces cross-application logging of ABAP messages. These logs can build up and should be managed, deleting old logs. This could be scheduled as often as weekly.