
BlueWorx provides change document functionality for selected areas within BlueWorx administration. This has been implemented as a generic function. This functionality was introduced in Support Pack 13 for two specific configuration areas.

Business and SAP Context

Understanding the change in values made to configuration provides an improved management for BlueWorx. It allows records to be better audited and provides a basis for problem evaluation. The following subsections have Change Documented created on Save of Changes:

Core Config

Change Documents have been implemented for Global Config options and for Profile specific options.


  • Inspections
    • With restrictions on long text as detailed above
  • Inspection Groups
  • Inspection Questions
    • With restrictions on long text as detailed above
    • With the exception of Characteristic Allowed Value
  • Answer Groups
  • Notification Templates
  • Document Templates
  • Reasons (for non Inspection)

Documents for Inspections do not have Change Documents active.

Important Information

Each value field value create or change creates it own event record. In some cases the value of the record key contains the entire applicable value for the record. In these cases there is no From and To value change and instead there is the flag for deletion of the previous record and creation of the new record.

Create events are recorded, however all their values are not recorded in the change logs, since it's a new record and either exists as it is in the system (if no subsequent change has been made) or the change values are subsequently reported (where changes have occurred).


There are some limitations associated with this function. They are:

  • The values are stored in a string field in SAP, rather than as long text (this mimics SAP's functionality around change documents). This means that long text values may be truncated. This includes the following objects:
    • Inspection Instructions
    • Inspection Question Instructions
    • Notification Template Long Text
  • In some cases the change in values is (correctly) reported as an internal key for a record. That's because this key remains referenceable, whereas the use of a visual id is subject to subsequent change

Disabling 'Create' Change Events

Change Document on record create increases the number of change records that are created. We have created the developer parameter CD_LOG_CREATE to control this with a default of On (X). This can be customized by customers, see Settings Tab - Developer for more information.

Change Documents

The Change Documents dialog is accessible from screens with associated change recording using the following buttons:

The Change Documents dialog look like this, where the values will vary between objects:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

Field/ ControlExplanation/ Use
Change EventThe change event naming the SAP User ID and Datetime of the change
TableThe SAP table where the change record is stored. Additional detail about the record are generally available by accessing the table entries in SAP using SE16N and using the Table and Key values
KeyThe key field value - typically a GUID
FieldThe field whose value was changed
From The value from which the Table-Field was changed
ToThe value to which the Table-Field was changed

Example 1 - Standard Change of Values

In this example we are in the Core Config > Settings > Notifications tab and change the 'Days since creation' setting from 21 days to 14 days. This is a Profile Config specific setting, as opposed to a Global Config setting:

After Save we select the 'Profile Change Doc' button and see the change log as follows:

Example 2

In this example we are in the Core Config > Settings > Inspections tab and create this new entry. This is a Global Config setting:

After Save we select the 'Global Change Doc' button and see the change log as follows:

Breaking this down the change log shows:

  • A new value in the /SOLTIUS/PM_INAG table for the overall Inspection Authorisation Group key record. Note that this record is not showing the Authorization Object value, as it's a new record
  • A new value of (Plant) 1000 in the /SOLTIUS/PM_INAP table for the Inspection Authorisation Group key above
  • Two new Object Type values of ENGINE-D and ENGINE-P in the /SOLTIUS/PM_INAP table for the Inspection Authorisation Group key above 

We now change this record to use another Authorization Object and add a new Object Type:

After Save we select the 'Global Change Doc' button and see the change log as follows:

Breaking this down, where the grey box shows the changes and the records below the initial record from above, the change log shows:

  1. A change in the /SOLTIUS/PM_INAG of the Authorization Group from ZEXAMPLE to ZEXAMPLE_C
  2. A new Object Type value of ENGINE-T and ENGINE-P in the /SOLTIUS/PM_INAP table