
The licensing of the BlueWorx application is based on an annual subscription charge on a per-user block basis. In addition to the BlueWorx licenses the following are required:

Neptune Software Licenses

  • 1 x Neptune Software Runtime license per SAP system (i.e. your SAP ERP or S/4 Hana)
  • 1 x Neptune Software license per user that accesses BlueWorx App, BlueWorx Inspection Viewer App or BlueWorx Admin App

Note that:

  • The Neptune license's, unless acquired under an OEM license, are not specific to the BlueWorx application. Once acquired they can be used as the basis to mobilize other areas of operations.
  • The Neptune mobile licenses include web licenses. 

SAP Licenses 

SAP licenses, per user, is required for all relevant SAP functions and data accessed  These may already exist. 

Apple Enterprise Developer Account

If using iOS - annual subscription. 

Microsoft Developer Account

If using Windows 10 - annual subscription (however note that Microsoft is no longer actively supporting UWP applications).

Additional License's

The following licenses are optional and need to be acquired directly:

  • Google Maps requires Google Licenses negotiated directly with Google. For some additional details see: Google Maps FAQ - Premium Plan 
  • ESRI ArcGIS related services and licenses negotiated directly with ESRI/ their agents.

Software Libraries, Plugins and associated Licenses

For information on the libraries and associated licenses used by BlueWorx please see: Software Libraries, Plugins and associated Licenses