Master Languages

Where multi languages are being used, you can add the languages that you wish to support and which of these is the default language. The default language will be used where specific language values have not been maintained (for example an Equipment description). If a default language is not maintained then BlueWorx will use the SAP systems default language.

Date and Time Formats

A global date and time format can be set for forms and lists. Users are also able to select a date and time format for forms and lists on there device or browser.

Time Zone Support

If Time Zone Support is enabled in the SAP system a new tab for configuration will appear in the BlueWorx Administration application under Maintain Core Settings > Localization.

This settings area will show whether the SAP configuration is active for the Work Order Cycle and the Master Data cycle. The default user time zone can be set to:

  • User's SAP Time Zone (default) - from the user's SAP user record, or
  • Device Time Zone - as reported by the mobile device or browser

When the Device Time Zone is selected BlueWorx makes a best guess, matching a configured SAP time zone to the time zone reported by the device/browser.