
This page defines the configuration settings related to Documents.

DMS document must be KPro enabled to be used with BlueWorx 


The following is an illustration of this page/ tab:


The following are the field settings on this tab:

FieldDescription/ UsageRecommendation
Document Lists On Device
Equipment Document ListON to store Equipment document information which will be synchronised to the device.  Set and Avoid Change.

If this setting is changed existing document information will not be cleared, nor added. Existing document information will continue to be synchronised until a full Master Data Refresh.
FL Document ListON to store Functional Location document information which will be synchronised to the device. Set and Avoid Change.

See recommendations above for the Equipment List setting.
Measurement Point Document ListON to store Measurement Point document information which will be synchronised to the device.

This functionality was introduced in SP13.
Set and Avoid Change.

See recommendations above for the Equipment List setting.
Document Download
Assistant ActiveIf the Assistant is ON it will collate the documents attached to Work Orders, Notifications, and their associated technical objects as selected in the object settings below.
The following settings in this section only apply when the Assistant Active setting is ON:
Max Size (MB)This is the maximum size of files that are automatically downloaded
Automatic in SyncControls whether document syncs occur automatically when BlueWorx syncs with SAP.
Auto on Mobile NetworkVisible/ applicable only when Automatic in Sync setting is ON.

Controls whether documents are automatically downloaded when a connection is via a mobile network:
  • ON - Auto download enabled
  • OFF - Auto download disabled

Work OrdersControls whether documents directly attached to Work Orders (GOS, or DMS) or by Document PRT are synced:
  • ON - Include
  • OFF - Exclude
If Assistant is active then ON
Work Order ObjectsControls whether documents for the Technical Objects referenced in Work Orders (e.g. Equipment and Functional Location documents) are synced:
  • ON - Include
  • OFF - Exclude

Work Order Notifications:Controls whether documents directly attached to Notifications (GOS, or DMS), that are associated with synced Orders, are synced:
  • ON - Include
  • >OFF - Exclude
If Assistant is active then ON


Controls whether documents directly attached to Notifications (GOS, or DMS) are synced:
Notification ObjectsControls whether documents for the Technical Object referenced in Notifications (e.g. Equipment and Functional Location documents) are synced:
  • ON - Include
  • OFF - Exclude

Document Upload
Document UploadControls whether users can upload documents (files) for Orders, Notifications, FL and Equipment:
  • ON - Enable
  • OFF - Disable
Recommend ON as this feature provides real business value in gathering contextual information.
Max Upload Size

>Controls the maximum document size that can be uploaded in Megabytes
Document RepositoryControls which document repository will be used for documents uploaded through BlueWorx:
  • CUS - Customer Source. Used in conjunction with a customer's own coding to control document upload processing
  • DOC - SAP Document Management System
  • GOS - Generic Object Services

DMS Document Type Used in conjunction with the DOC option in the Document Repository field, this setting controls which DMS document type will be used on upload.

The document type, as configured using SAP configuration via SPRO > Cross-Application Components > Document Management > Control Data > Define Document Types.

DMS Storage CategoryUsed in conjunction with the DOC option in the Document Repository field, this setting controls which DMS document storage category will be used on upload.

The storage category, as defined using SAP transaction OACT.

Allowed Document Types (for Download)
Add Document Type buttonAdd an allowed SAP DMS Document Type to download. This setting is specific to DMS Document Types. It does not apply to GOS or Custom document sources.

Note that all documents will be displayed when on browser as they are retrieved online and on request. This setting allows for more precise control over what documents go to mobile applications - to conserve storage, sync time and (potentially) mobile data.

Auto DownloadIf auto download is active for documents, select if this document type is included.
Image Settings
Save Image to GalleryControls whether photos taken on a device through BlueWorx are saved to a mobile device's image gallery.Recommend OFF to conserve storage space on device over time
Image QualityControls the quality of photos. Think about the general use of the photos. For example:
  • If used for detailed shots of hairline cracks or objects where zoom will be required
  • The volume of photos
  • The impact on the mobile data sizes and SAP/ document repository storage

Note that the translation from this setting to actual file sizes depends on the photo and the device and operating system.

Online Reporting
Days to keep reports on deviceIf the linked object for the report is no longer on the device, then delete the report. Otherwise, if the report expiry date is non-zero, delete any reports older than x days