Inspection Configuration Concepts

This page provides an explanation on some of the key configuration concepts for BlueWorx.


For comprehensive insights we recommend looking for the Inspections Deep Dive videos in the following playlist: YouTube - BlueWorx Insight Series

Initiating Inspections

Inspection can be initiated from the Work Order - Inspections Tab; Equipment Inspection Tab; Functional Location Inspection Tab; MyWork Inspections Tab. The Work Order option is more appropriate for formal, planned inspections. Inspections initiated directly from a Technical Object are more appropriate for ad hoc updates - for example, a change to an asset identity tag, status or location update or asset condition grading outside of the regular inspection cycle.

As well as being accessible from the associated Work Order or a Technical Object, active inspections (those incomplete or associated with Work Orders still not complete) are accessible from the My Work Inspections tab. 

Transfer Between Devices

Partial inspections can be transferred between devices, allowing for shared devices or device swap outs. This means than personnel can start and inspection, sync and stop work and others can come, sync, and continue the inspection.

Inspection Updates In SAP

The results of an inspection are stored in SAP BlueWorx tables providing a permanent record of an inspection event. These records can be accessed when online through the Inspection Viewer Application. This is a separate application to BlueWorx delivered as part of the BlueWorx package. It's accessible from its own application tile or from the Equipment or Functional Location right hand lower hamburger menu option: View Inspection History.

Inspection Completion Conflict

If two or more Inspectors complete a previously started and synced inspection, the system will only process the first inspection to be synced with the completed status. Nevertheless, the unprocessed inspection updates are recorded in the database and can be retrieved through direct table analysis.

Inspection Control

Inspections can be made mandatory, as can individual inspection Questions. This means that users can not complete an Order with mandatory Inspections until they are Complete or they Mark the Inspection as 'Asset Not Found'; and can't complete a Inspection until also mandatory questions have been answered. 

Typically on completion of a question the screen will navigate to the next question but this behavior can be controlled at a Inspection level and overridden at an Inspection Question level. 

Inspection questions can be controlled through the use of Inspection rules, to hide/ show and make mandatory question based on asset values or other question responses. For more on this see /support/solutions/articles/19000102643-inspection-rules-explained

Through configuration in the core settings you can set SAP to generate the Inspections, as opposed to this functionality occurring on-device 'generation' proposals. This option removes the load on the device for calculating large numbers of inspections for orders with many objects (for example power-pole inspections).

Structure of Inspections

The following examples depict the relational structure of inspections and example data:


In simple terms:

  • The Inspection has been assigned one or more Inspection Groups, these Inspection Groups are assigned one or more Inspection Questions. 
  • The Inspection Groups and Inspection Questions can be used in multiple Templates - as required
  • The Inspection will be available in BlueWorx for an Order, Functional Location and or Equipment according to the Objects configuration for the Template.


In simple terms and in addition to the previous explanation:

  • The responses values to Inspection Questions can optional come from Answer Groups. A single Answer Group can be used by multiple Questions - as required.
  • Answers to a Question, controlled by the Question or by an assigned Answer Group, can trigger the requirement to add comments from processing in SAP as a Notification. The details of the Notification is determined by a Notification Template

Question Response Types

The inspection responses can:

  • Be cumulative based on multiple values, for example the delta of multiple start stop of odometers adding to a single value
  • Insist on the creation of an on device full Notification based on entered values (for example, a poor condition grading)
  • Insist on the entry of notes at the inspection question for Notification creation using a template in SAP

The response types presented to the inspector are controlled by BlueWorx configuration. The question types provides include:

Where lists responses are appropriate the values can come from BlueWorx answer lists or, for classification related questions, from allowed and even restricted classification value lists. 

SAP Processing Types

Based on inspection configuration the inspection can undertake the following actions in SAP:

SAP Notifications

Under some circumstances you can also trigger the creation of a SAP Notification based on the response value to the question.