Maintain GEO Capture

This configuration option is used to maintain GEO capture settings. For a greater understanding on this see: Geo Capture - Map Layers and see configuration and operational use examples in the same folder as this article.

Important Information

Note that as of Support Pack 13 we new have:

  • A new spatial type to support the capture of Measurement Points
  • The ability per Layer to define if in addition to capturing a location you can also attach documents (for example take a photo of the asset or it's Measurement Point.


Geo Capture Tab

Access the settings from the Geo Capture tab:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Add Definition buttonAdd new layer definition

Layer Definition - Introduction

The layer definition screen changes according to the selections made in the screen. Because of this various examples of different types have been included in the sections below.

Layer Definition - Location Point Example

The following is an example of a layer definition for a Point Location. No Properties have been maintained:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Feature TypeThis is how the asset is represented. Options are: Point | Line | Polygon | Multi Point | Multi Line | Multi Polygon
Object TypesSelect one or more SAP Technical Object Types for which this layer can be used
Min/ Max ZoomWhen looking at a map where assets using this layer type are located, this is the zoom level at which the asset will be shown from and to.

Values are 0-23 where 0 is the earth and 23 is so low that features on the map are often not discernible

Strong Recommendation: Set your Max zoom to the highest possible numeric value (that is the lowest zoom level) that still provides proper contextual information, and the lowest numeric value (that is the highest zoom) needed to understand the information. Also take into account how many features are likely to be rendered - i.e. parks in a city versus street lamps.

  • Geographical Region:  Min 12; Max 15
  • City Park Boundary: Min 14: Max 16
  • Transmission Line: Min 14: Max 23
  • Plant Site: Min 14: Max 17
  • Bus Stop: Min 17; Max 23
  • Power Line: Min 17; Max 23
  • Street Sign: Min 18; Max 23
  • Street Light: Min 18; Max 23
  • Power Pole: Min 18; Max 23
Attachments AllowedSet on to allow users to attach a file or take a photo for the Layer. Introduced in SP13
Value based renderingWhen set on a new tab is shown that allows you to control how the asset is rendered - ie. to change the icon (colour) for a Point asset; change the line colour for a Linear asset; change the line or fill colour for a Polygon asset
Update geometry from characteristicThis is only available for point assets and uses the Classification Lat/ Long values configured in the Core Admin Settings to update this location
IconUsed for Point assets. Recommend simple images sized 16 x16 pixels

Layer Definition - Location Line Example

The following is an example of a layer definition for a Line Location. No Properties have been maintained:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Feature TypeThis is how the asset is represented. Options are: Point | Line | Polygon | Multi Point | Multi Line | Multi Polygon
Object TypesSelect one or more SAP Technical Object Types for which this layer can be used
Min/ Max ZoomWhen looking at a map where assets using this layer type are located, this is the zoom level at which the asset will be shown from and to
Attachments AllowedSet on to allow users to attach a file or take a photo for the Layer. Introduced in SP13
Value based renderingWhen set on a new tab is shown that allows you to control how the asset is rendered - ie. to change the icon (colour) for a Point asset; change the line colour for a Linear asset; change the line or fill colour for a Polygon asset
Characteristic 1When used you can control how the Rendering of the asset occurs based on it's classification value. There are three options for this
Characteristic 2
Characteristic 3
Filter on SAP statusWhen turned on you can control how the Rendering of the asset occurs based on the SAP status
IconUsed for Point assets. Recommend simple images sized 16x16 pixels

Rendering Tab

From this tab you can see, add and select the Rendering values:

The fields and functions are considered self explanatory and or have already been explained previously.

Maintain Rendering Values Dialog

From this dialog you can maintain the values that will be rendered:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
DescriptionThe description for this rendering value
[ACCESS]The field label value [ACCESS} is dynamic - it relates to what was previously configured as a classification characteristic
WeightThe weight of the line
ColorThe color of the line as a # value (which must be included)
Dash TypeHow the line will be rendered. Options are: Solid | Dot | Dash | Dash Dot

Layer Definition - Location Polygon Example

The following is an example of a layer definition for a Polygon Location. No Properties have been maintained:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Feature TypeThis is how the asset is represented. Options are: Point | Line | Polygon | Multi Point | Multi Line | Multi Polygon
Object TypesOne SAP Technical Object Type has been set (PLANT-SITE) for which this layer can be used
Min/ Max ZoomWhen looking at a map where assets using this layer type are located, this is the zoom level at which the asset will be shown from and to
Attachments AllowedSet on to allow users to attach a file or take a photo for the Layer. Introduced in SP13
Tile AlgorithmOptions are Area | Border. Use area when you're defining something that includes the content of the area; use border where it's just the perimeter you're defining
Value based renderingWhen set on a new tab is shown that allows you to control how the asset is rendered - ie. to change the icon (colour) for a Point asset; change the line colour for a Linear asset; change the line or fill colour for a Polygon asset
No StrokeWhen set to true the Polygon won't have an outline - i.e. Weight and Color settings are hidden/ not required
WeightThe weight of the outline line of the Polygon - suggest 3
ColorThe color of the line as a hash - must include #
Fill ColorThe fill color of the polygon - must include #
OpacityThe opacity of the fill, where 1 = 100% (solid) and 0.1 = almost clear. Most times you want to see what's under the polygon so in the range of 0.1 - 0.3 is suggested
Add render buttonAdd a new Rendering value

Layer Definition - Action Polygon Example

The following is an example of a layer definition for a Polygon Action - in this case for Clearing Brush around assets. No Properties have been maintained:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere: 

Field/ FunctionDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Feature TypeThis is how the asset is represented. Options are: Point | Line | Polygon | Multi Point | Multi Line | Multi Polygon
Min/ Max ZoomWhen looking at a map where assets using this layer type are located, this is the zoom level at which the layer will be shown from and to

Recommendation: We recommend that you set your min/max zoom within the min/max zoom settings for related asset locations. That way, when you are focused on an action or notation for an asset, you can also see the asset.
Attachments AllowedSet on to allow users to attach a file or take a photo for the Layer. Introduced in SP13
Tile AlgorithmOptions are Area | Border. Use area when you're defining something that includes the content of the area; use boarder where it's just the perimeter you're defining
Object Types27 SAP Technical Object Types have been configured to use this layer
Value based renderingWhen set on a new tab is shown that allows you to control how the asset is rendered - ie. to change the icon (colour) for a Point asset; change the line colour for a Linear asset; change the line or fill colour for a Polygon asset
No StrokeWhen set to true the Polygon won't have an outline - i.e. Weight and Color settings are hidden/ not required
WeightThe weight of the outline line of the Polygon - suggest 3
ColorThe color of the line as a hash - must include #
Fill ColorThe fill color of the polygon - must include #
OpacityThe opacity of the fill, where 1 = 100% (solid) and 0.1 = almost clear. Most times you want to see what's under the polygon so in the range of 0.1 - 0.3 is suggested
Add rendering buttonAdd a new Rendering value

Layer Definition - Annotation Polygon Example

The following is an example of a layer definition for a Polygon Annotation - in this case for showing a Hza-Mat area. This could be used in conjunction with a Plant-Site Location layer to show, within the part the Hazardous Materials areas. No Properties have been maintained:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

FieldDescription/ Usage
IDLayer identity
DescriptionLayer description
FunctionThe function of this layer. Options are: Location | Annotation | Action | Measurement Point
Feature TypeThis is how the asset is represented. Options are: Point | Line | Polygon | Multi Point | Multi Line | Multi Polygon
Min/ Max ZoomWhen looking at a map where assets using this layer type are located, this is the zoom level at which the asset will be shown from and to

Recommendation: We recommend that you set your min/max zoom within the min/max zoom settings for related asset locations. That way, when you are focused on an action or notation for an asset, you can also see the asset.
Attachments Allowed
Object Types3 SAP Technical Object Types have been configured to use this layer
Value based renderingWhen set on a new tab is shown that allows you to control how the asset is rendered - ie. to change the icon (colour) for a Point asset; change the line colour for a Linear asset; change the line or fill colour for a Polygon asset
No StrokeWhen set to true the Polygon won't have an outline - i.e. Weight and Color settings are hidden/ not required
WeightThe weight of the outline line of the Polygon - suggest 3
ColorThe color of the line as a hash - must include #
Fill ColorThe fill color of the polygon - must include #
OpacityThe opacity of the fill, where 1 = 100% (solid) and 0.1 = almost clear. Most times you want to see what's under the polygon so in the range of 0.1 - 0.3 is suggested but in this case, being a Hazardous area, it has been set to 0.5.
Add rendering buttonAdd a new Rendering value