GEO Capture Example - Action Layer 

Actions are specific to a Notification or Order with association to a Functional Location or Equipment.

In this example we are showing how we can spatially locate work that needs to be undertaken for an asset. The scenario is Track Trimming. The same scenario can apply to other linear assets like power-lines, railway tracks or roads:


Setting up the Action Layer

In BlueWorx Administration application we create a new layer type. We:

  • Give it an ID and Description
  • Assign it the Function of Action (see above for other options)
  • Assign it the Feature Type of Line (see above for other options)
  • Set it to be visible on the map from zoom levels 12 down to 23
  • Give it a line weight of 4 (1=thin; 2 = thicker; etc); a green colour (#6e9633); and a solid line

We also allow the gathering of tools required, by assigning a Property of Tools:

Operational Use

Create Notification Actions for Work 

Now when a User is working on a Notification or Work Order for that Asset object type, they have the ability to create actions using this new configuration.

We create a Notification and add some Track Trim actions. The red line denotes the asset (a track); the pink line is the configured area for Track Trimming:

Here's the details of that Feature, accessible when you click on it:

In the Notification, this is how the Actions, along with the assets location and several annotations for slips is displayed:

And here's how it looks on the map for the Notification. Given the map location and zoom, it's showing:

  • The Track (pink) from the Functional Location
  • Three Track Trim Actions (green) that's associated with the FL and this Notification
  • Two slip annotations that have come from the Functional Location (gold polygons).

Executing the Work

The Planner reviews the Notification, creates a Work Order for it and sends a team out to do the job using BlueWorx. Here's how that looks:

As each action of work is completed the BlueWorx Operator marks each Action as complete:

And the Map list gets updated so the Operator and others can track progress:

If the Operator tries and complete the BlueWorx Order, without completing the actions, then they get the following message (if so configured):

Outstanding Work

If Actions are outstanding for a completed Order or if the Planner wants to split the Actions between Notifications or Orders, then at and stage they can do so by editing the Action Features and either assigning it to another existing Notification or Order OR creating a new Notification: