
This screen is accessible from the Orders page and allows a user to enter time, potentially against multiple Order Operations from one screen. 

Important Information

  • This screen does not support time entries made with Linear Asset Data - these must be individually entered. 
  • There is only one work remaining value for the operation maintained so if you maintained two work remaining entries for the same operation then the last value processed by SAP will apply.
  • Editing of time entries made, and added to the outbox, are one by one using the standard time entry screen

Enter Time

The following is an illustration of this screen: 

 The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

Field/ ControlExplanation/ Use
Search fieldsEnter search values. Depending on where the user has navigated from will depend on the pre-application of search criteria. 
  • The Date of entry is defaulted.

  • Change the search entries and select the Apply button to change the list results. This will over-write the List values
Type to FilterEnter filter criteria as required

Row entryMaintain the time entry values for you, the appropriate Work Centre, work entry date, if applicable the attendance type, the actual work, the remaining work and the complete flag.
Duplicate the entry
Add buttonAdd a new row

Save the entries. Maintained entries will be added to the Outbox for Sync action.

Clear button

Clear all entries