
The Notification General tab provides summary information about the Notification and access to the Notification Header long Text, Linear Data (where appropriate) and Items (where so configured). 


General Section

This displays general information about the Notification:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self-explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

Field/ ControlExplanation/ Use
DescriptionNotification Description
TypeNotification Type
PriorityNotification Priority
Activity TypeNotification Activity Type

Note that:
  • This functionality was introduced in SP13 and requires that an SAP enhancement option has been activity and a SAP Note applied as appropriate. See for additional details on this 
  • SAP provides no limits for Notification Type to Activity Type - therefore users can select Activities which are not assigned to Order Types. When creating an Order from a Notification, if the Notification Activity is allowed then it will be applied, if it is not then it will be blanked out and require User selection.
Reference fieldDisplayed where the Notification has been parked it allows for users to store a reference from an asset when offline (for example a serial or asset tag number), so they can search SAP to get the FL or Equipment when online.

Note that the field can be populated using bar or QR codes when used on a mobile device.

Functional Location

Object links to the Functional Location, Equipment and Order records, where maintained, can be followed to access the underlying BlueWorx records for these objects. 

You can select the Notification Functional Location or Equipment from a list of assets on the device or from SAP or a map when online.

Note that the fields can be populated using bar or QR codes when used on a mobile device.

Assigned Order

You can assign a Notification to an existing Order on the device or create a New Order:


You can select an associated assembly from the list of available materials or, if a BOM is maintained for the Technical Object, from the BOM.

You can also select the Assembly from a BOM (where maintained):

Note that the administrators can control whether only the Assembly materials are shown or all materials on device are shown via the Assembly Switch in the Technical Objects section of Maintain Core Settings - Settings Tab

Address & PhoneWhen an address is maintained for the notification the address and phone number are shown.
Follows-on fromIntroduced in version 14.7.0 this page will show the order the notification follows on from.

Linear Data Section

The information maintained in this section is shown where the primary asset (FL or Equipment) for the Notification is set up in SAP as a linear asset and linear asset is switched on in BlueWorx administration:

The start and End Points and Offset 1 and 2 sub-sections are adopted from the primary object and can be edited.

This functionality was introduced in Support Pack 11.For more information on linear assets in BlueWorx see: Linear Asset Management

Items Section

This section allows use to maintain Items and Causes. The sections visibility is controlled by configuration, as is the mandatory record and field requirements. This functionality was introduced in SP7.

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self-explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

Field/ ControlExplanation/ Use
Previous/ Next buttons. The move previous and next record buttons can be used to scroll between Items and Causes (where maintained):
The detail button allows you to view and maintain the selected Item/ Cause and associated information.
To create a new Item or Cause
To delete an Item or Cause - note that additional controls were introduced to prohibit deletion of the Last Item/ Cause where one is required

Administration Section

The information maintained in this section is self-explanatory:

Text Section

The text section allow you to view and add to Notification long text. You can not edit entries already saved in SAP. This section is located at the bottom of the page. Initiate editing using this button:

The following screen will then be displayed for editing of new text:

The following screen fields and controls are defined, where not documented they are considered self explanatory or are explained elsewhere:

Field/ ControlExplanation/ Use
Template selection

Once in the long text editor you can add templated text as configured in BlueWorx Admin:

Clear Text buttonTo Clear the text for your current entry.
Add Location buttonTo add a GPS Lat/ Long reference to the text use this button on GPS enabled devices
Save buttonSave added text
CancelCancel adding text