
A new Neptune application has been created to manage the review and approval of all equipment requests.


A role will be required to be maintained using the below authorization object. An administrator who is required to approve equipment create requests, will need both the role linking the authorization object, as well as the required authorization fields. i.e. the SWERK authorization field will determine if an administrator can approve requests in lant 1000 vs Plant 2000.

Authorization Object - ZBWXEQAPPR

Authorization Field

ACTVTActivity - 01Add/Create
ACTVTActivity - 03 Display
SWERKMaintenance plantsList of maintenance plants that a role can approve 
ZEQARTType of technical objectList of technical objects that can be approved

List of equipment create requests

This page is used to show all equipment requests where the user has authorisation. If the user can only authorize the creation of equipment in plant 1000, then any requests where the plant is 2000 will be filtered out.

Opens a filter dialog to allow administrators to filter the lists further by status.
Refreshes the list retrieving the changes that may have occurred since last opening/refreshing the application.

Equipment create request detail page

The detail page of an equipment request allows the administrator to edit fields prior to creating the equipment in SAP. All fields excluding the Functional Location, Superior equipment and maintenance plant can be edited.

Save any changes made to the equipment create request.
Select to add comments to the equipment request, as part of a conversation with the requestor. 
Administrator can use this button to reject creating this equipment in SAP.
Administrator can select this button to approve and create this equipment in SAP.
Administrator can select this button to track changes to this request.

Additional functionality:

The below value help is available for administrators to search and find existing equipment. This can then be used to set the state of the Equipment Create to 'Found'. In this state, the user who made the original request will be notified on sync that the Equipment they tried creating already exists.