
This page discusses the configuration and user settings options for time zones.

BlueWorx Administration

The Administrator sets whether the default time zone is the user's SAP time zone, or the time zone of the device or browser.

BlueWorx Application

The default can be changed in the Settings page of the BlueWorx application by the user.  Settings are accessed using the settings button in the header of the home screen. The Time Zone Rule can be set to either:

  • Your SAP Time Zone
  • Device Time Zone
  • Selected Time Zone

For the SAP Time Zone and Device Time Zone option the Time Zone will be shown in the Time Zone field and not be editable.

Time Zone Application Settings

If Selected Time Zone is chosen then the Time Zone field becomes available and any of the time zones configured in SAP can be selected. The choice is remembered for this device or browser.  It is not synchronized to any other device or browser.