As standard and where enabled BlueWorx provides selected editing of Work Order details. BlueWorx with Crew Manager enabled provides additional editing functionality according to the BlueWorx Assignment settings - see Work Order - User Assignment for more on this. Crew Managers will get just one of the following options depending on the settings applied.
Important Information
With the integration of Crew functions into the core My Work Order in SP12, this page has been replicated and updated elsewhere in this documentation. This page will remain for a limited time to support prior releases.
- 0 - No Filter
- 1 - SAP Standard WO Header person responsible for user (HR)
- 2 - SAP Standard WO Header Work Centre to HR assignment to user
- 3 - SAP Standard WO Operation Work Centre to HR assignment to user
- 4 - BlueWorx WO Header Work Centre assignment associated to the user in the BlueWorx application
- 5 - BlueWorx WO Operation Work Centre assignment associated to the user in the BlueWorx application
- 6 - BlueWorx Client specific code
- 7 - SAP Personnel Assigned at Order Operation
0 - No Filter
You will not get any editing options.
1 - SAP Standard WO Header person responsible for user (HR)
Editing Options:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Header - which influences the next option. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list
- Allows you to change the HR user assigned to the Work Order Header
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The personnel you see for individual assignment for are derived from the Work Centre to HR Work Centre to HR Personnel linkage. |
2 - SAP Standard WO Header Work Centre to HR assignment to user
Editing Options:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Header. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list.
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The personnel you see for the Work Centre (all of which will be assigned) are derived from the Work Centre to HR Work Centre to HR Personnel linkage. |
3 - SAP Standard WO Operation Work Centre to HR assignment to user
Editing Options:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Operation. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The personnel you see for the Work Centre (all of which will be assigned) are derived from the Work Centre to HR Work Centre to HR Personnel linkage |
4 - BlueWorx WO Header Work Centre assignment associated to the user in the BlueWorx application
Editing options:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Header. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list.
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The screen shot for this is the same as for option 2 above.
The personnel you see for the Work Centre (all of which will be assigned) are derived from the Work Centre BlueWorx Admin assignment to user |
5 - BlueWorx WO Operation Work Centre assignment associated to the user in the BlueWorx application
Editing options:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Operation. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The screen shot for this is the same as for option 3 above.
The personnel you see for the Work Centre (all of which will be assigned) are derived from the Work Centre BlueWorx Admin assignment to user. |
6 - BlueWorx Client specific code
None - like the BlueWorx assignment option this requires BlueWorx Crew Manager customer code to be written
7 - SAP Personnel Assigned at Order Operation
This can be single or multiple assignments- as controlled by BlueWorx Crew Configuration.
Important: Assignment to Operations in BlueWorx via Crew is restricted to full Operations and not Sub-Operations. However, if sub-operational assignments are made in SAP, then such assignments are correctly applied on Order sync.
The editing options are:
- Allows you to change the Work Centre assigned to the Work Order Operation - which influences the next option. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings control if you are limited to selecting from only your assigned Work Centres or from a general list.
- Allows you to change the HR user assigned to the Work Order Operation. BlueWorx Crew Manager admin settings controls whether this is a single or multi person assignment
- Allows you to change the Order Header Start Date
- Allows you to change the Order Operation Start Dates - if enabled in BlueWorx Crew Manager admin
The screen shot for this is the same as for option 3 above.
The personnel you see for assignment for are derived from the Work Centre to HR Work Centre to HR Personnel linkage. Important: If you have the Split Assignment option in Crew OFF, then in editing in BlueWorx Crew all Operation split personnel assignments for that Operation will be removed in SAP. And if the Split Assignment is ON and change those assignment in BlueWorx Crew then the Operational header personnel assignment will be removed. This enforcement was improved in Patch 1.9.5. However assignments that are made at operational header AND operational split level in SAP will result in BlueWorx users getting those Orders (where other profile selection parameter apply), until a change is made in Crew. Single User AssignmentIf you have single user assignment enabled then you will be given this editing option:Multi-User AssignmentIf you have split-user assignment enabled then you will be given the following editing option.