BlueWorx Support Pack 7 - Update on Release

Hi Everyone,

We have been working hard towards our Support Pack 7 release as previously outlined in the article BlueWorx Product Roadmap - January 2020. We know customers have an interest in understanding what's coming and this update provides this. 


Progress on delivering the roadmap has been positive despite the disruptions caused by world wide event in recent weeks. We have also worked with a number of customers to make other improvements over this period, as you may have seen from recent releases. Our forecast release date for SP7 is the 8 May 2020.

Items in the SP7 Release

The following items will be in the release:

BWX-2455Work Order Documents - Count and Close PanelsImprovement
BWX-2431Inspection Question - existing values showing key not descriptionImprovement
BWX-2422Improve the progress display on Map SyncsImprovement
BWX-2330Improve the add document and image workflow and add images to orders and assetsImprovement
BWX-2215Show the description along with the ID of the source value for the rule conditions in AdminImprovement
BWX-2164Add Download Only options to the Document StoreImprovement
BWX-1807Clear text option - all long textsImprovement
BWX-1627Capture Photos from Work Orders, FL and Equipment the same as for NotisImprovement
BWX-1388Add a new tab to the My Work page that shows a list of ComponentsImprovement
BWX-2430Allow Negative Numeric Entries on Inspection QuestionsImprovement
BWX-2426Remove Sync Message 'Map Download Cancelled'Improvement
BWX-2328Admin App: Add default text to the order complete select listImprovement
BWX-2166Export Sync Log Details in Default LanguageImprovement
BWX-2228New inspection questions should be active by defaultImprovement
BWX-2458"No Action" "Single Value Numeric" question is not respecting text lengthImprovement
BWX-2419Hook Inspection Viewer into Inspection Logs [Document Attached Indicator in Inspection Logs]Improvement
BWX-2481BlueWorx SmartformsImprovement
BWX-1071SAP Generation of InspectionsNew Feature
BWX-1969Ability to run the Add and Refresh profile data from the profile Admin ScreenNew Feature
BWX-2508Create Field Order from Equipment Detail dialogueImprovement
BWX-2496Malfunction Start required upon marking notification breakdownImprovement
BWX-2462Filter map profiles by device only/browser only/browser and deviceImprovement
BWX-2467New Configuration Option - Download Documents for Order NotificationsImprovement
BWX-2472Make Upload and Photo buttons more visible for work orders & rationalise filters [SP8 item delivered at customer request]Improvement
BWX-1418Work PermitsNew Feature
BWX-2196Edit Notification Item(s) from the notification headerImprovement
BWX-2028Order Filter and Sort FunctionsImprovement
BWX-2503Favorites and HistoryNew Feature

Items at Risk in terms of Delivery in or Reduced Functionality in SP7.

The following items look likely to be included in the release but with some limits to the original functionality:

BWX-1063GEO Points CaptureNew FeatureThis is a big leap in terms of new functionality and is looking very good.

The scale of what's being delivered makes it likely that, if released in SP7 then we will do so under the concept of a 'Zag Labs' innovation that we introduced in SP8.

What will definitely not be included in SP7 is the associated web services to query and update the spatial data from outside of SAP. This we will deffer until a later releases.
BWX-2397Inspection Information - Move to HTML  
ImprovementWe have made good progress on this improvement and its looking great. We are currently focused on understanding and looking to mitigate the impact on admin edits and sync times, of allowing images to be included in the html content.

Deferred until SP8

The following items will be deferred until SP8:

BWX-2235Crew Calendar SearchImprovement
BWX-2353Admin App - Map Layer and Fields UI Rationalization and Parameters

Finally, at this very difficult time, I offer my sincere thanks on behalf of Zag to all our BlueWorx customers and their people working in sectors crucial to keeping our countries operating. 

Kia kaha (be strong),

Craig Bennett

Product Delivery Manager

Zag Limited

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